Practice Plus Group Hospital Ilford Treatment Prices

The Practice Plus Group Hospital in Ilford is located in Ilford, East London. The address is Practice Plus Group Hospital Ilford, The Exchange, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1RS. The hospital is situated in The Exchange shopping center in the heart of Ilford town center.

Sr.noTreatment Prices
2.Initial consultation£95
3.Diagnostic imaging——————–
4.Nerve conduction study£370
5.Ultrasound scan£190
7.Colonoscopy procedure£1585
8.Flexible sigmoidoscopy procedure£1215
9.Gastroscopy procedure£1215
10Eye treatments———————
11.Cataract surgery£1995
12.Bifocal cataract surgery£2445
13.Cataract surgery – bilateral£2990
14.Monofocal cataract surgery£2195
15.Foot and ankle surgery———————
16.Bunion removal surgery£4015
17.Ankle fusion surgery£5475
18.Claw toe surgery£6685
19.Foot fusion surgery£4375
20.Nail bed removal surgery£960
21.Total nail removal£2500
22.Injection in clinic£200
23.Injection in theatre£1945
24.Injection ultrasound guided (USGI) in clinic£680
25.General surgery——————-
26.Hernia repair surgery£2680
27.Benign skin lesion removal£850
28.Gallbladder removal surgery£5475
29.Haemorrhoids treatment£2800
30.Anal fissure surgery£1705
31.Anal fistula surgery / treatment£3125
32.Benign cyst removal£2500
33.Pilonidal sinus treatment£3040
34.Hand and wrist surgery——————
35.Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery£1945
36.Dupuytren’s contracture release£2430
37.Ganglion cyst removal£2505
38.Trapeziectomy £5230
39.Trigger finger release£2305
40.Ganglion cyst aspiration£985
41.Palmar fasciectomy£4915
42.Surgical pin removal£2680
43.Tendon repair£4255
44.Injection in clinic£200
45.Injection in theatre£1945
46.Injection ultrasound guided (USGI) in clinic£680
47.Hip surgery——————–
48.Hip replacement surgery£10720
49.Surgical pin removal£2680
50.Injection in clinic£200
51.Injection in theatre£1945
52..Injection ultrasound guided (USGI) in clinic£680
53.Knee surgery——————-
54.Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)£6080
55.Knee arthroscopy£3000
56.Knee replacement surgery£11200
57.Bursa removal surgery£3380
58.Complex knee surgery£10215
59.Excision of bone overgrowth£2500
60.Osteophytes treatment£2500
61.Surgical pin removal£2680
62.Tibia repair surgery£5455
63.Injection in clinic£200
64.Injection in theatre£1945
65.Injection ultrasound guided (USGI) in clinic£680
66.Shoulder and elbow surgery——————
67.Aspiration of joint£1585
68.Rotator cuff repair surgery£4375
69.Shoulder arthroscopy£5320
70.Shoulder decompression surgery£4740
71.Shoulder joint manipulation£1825
72.Shoulder manipulation surgery£2185
73.Shoulder replacement surgery£10455
74.Tennis elbow surgery£2065
75.Injection in clinic£200
76.Injection in theatre£1945
77.Injection ultrasound guided (USGI) in clinic£680


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